Tsunami inundation chart (CITSU) as a tool to support coastal area management: a case study for Coronel





Tsunami hazard, Geographic Information System, odeling, territorial planning


Due to the geographical location of the Chilean territory, within a convergent margin to the west of the Pacific Basin, its coastline is permanently exposed to the threat of tsunamis of seismic origin, both from near and distant field sources, thus revealing the necessity for coastal communities to have tools to allow them to carry out adequate territorial planning in such a way that spaces can efficiently be managed to avoid the loss of human lives and to mitigate damage to infrastructure. In the present study, the degree of exposure of the county of Coronel due to tsunami threat was determined using numerical modeling methodology and integrating it through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with territorial databases to interrelate the degree of communal exposure. The obtained georeferenced thematic hazard maps, generated through this methodology, allowed the identification and visualization of the most critical geographic areas for the county, revealing their usefulness as tools to adequately manage the risk and support the implementation of the necessary prevention and mitigation actions for the coastline of Coronel, taking into consideration factors such as vulnerability reduction and territorial planning.


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How to Cite

Zelaya, C., Olivares, I., Pulgar, N., & Henriquez König, C. . (2023). Tsunami inundation chart (CITSU) as a tool to support coastal area management: a case study for Coronel. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 58(2). https://doi.org/10.23854/07199562.202258esp.Zelaya35