Sea-Land interaction analysis as a basis for coastal zone management: a comparative study between Argentina and Uruguay


  • Luciana Echeverría Faculty of Architecture Design and Urbanism, Project Institute, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • Eleonora Verón National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Argentina - Center for Geographic and Socio-Environmental Research (CIGSA), UNMDP, Argentina
  • Mercedes Medina Faculty of Architecture Design and Urbanism, Institute of Territorial and Urban Studies, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • Juliana Sócrate Center for Geographic and Socio-Environmental Research (CIGSA), UNMDP, Argentina
  • M. Victoria Sanchez Baeza Landscape Degree, CURE, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • Mónica García Center for Geographic and Socio-Environmental Research (CIGSA), UNMDP, Argentina
  • Melisa Fernández Faculty of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Space, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • William Pérez Brum Interdisciplinary Center for Integrated Coastal Management of the Southern Cone, CURE, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • Martina Camiolo Provincial University of the Southwest of Buenos Aires (UPSO), Argentina
  • Elena Vallvé Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • Andrés Jaureguizar Provincial University of the Southwest of Buenos Aires (UPSO), Argentina - Scientific Research Commission of the province of Buenos Aires (CIC), Argentina
  • Marcela Caporale Interdisciplinary Center for Integrated Coastal Management of the Southern Cone, CURE, UdelaR, Uruguay
  • Tiago Machain Faculty of Architecture Design and Urbanism, Institute of Technology, UdelaR, Uruguay



Land Sea Interactions, south coast of Mar del Plata (Argentina), west coast of Montevideo (Uruguay), coastal-marine territory


Land and sea are inherently connected through multiple and complex social-ecological interactions that strongly influence people's livelihoods and well-being. This paper focuses on land-sea interactions (LSI). Through a methodological approach built in an interdisciplinary way and the analysis of a comparative regional case between the South coast of Mar del Plata (Argentina) and the West coast of Montevideo (Uruguay), the objectives of the paper include the identification of land and marine uses with mutual implications, recording these interactions analyzing their degree of compatibility, and analytically comparing the results in both case studies. Four stages are developed for this purpose. The result is expressed in a series of matrices and tables that allow the detection of common or specific themes for the elaboration of recommendations and key messages of the land-sea-land analysis. Both study areas presented similar land-sea uses and activities, as well as the proportion of positive and conflicting interactions. The analysis of the commonalities identified that the average conflicts are related to the spatial and temporal coexistence of coastal-marine uses and activities. The differences were manifested by activities developed in one area and not in another, by the modality and typology of development or because common interactions were not recorded temporally and spatially. The research contributed to the construction of conceptual and methodological consensus on land-sea-land interactions. These were applied respectively on land and at sea in both pilot case studies.


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How to Cite

Echeverría, L., Verón, E., Medina, M., Sócrate, J., Sanchez Baeza, M. V. ., García, M., Fernández, M., Pérez Brum, W., Camiolo, M., Vallvé, E., Jaureguizar, A., Caporale, M., & Machain, T. (2022). Sea-Land interaction analysis as a basis for coastal zone management: a comparative study between Argentina and Uruguay. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 58.


