Natural Semantic Networks in the study of risk perception in the face of volcanic ash fall in Tonila, Jalisco, Mexico




Natural semantic networks, risk perception, ash fall


The Colima volcano is one of the most active in Mexico. Near the foothills of this there are several communities from the north of the state of Colima and the south of Jalisco, Mexico that are settled there, which in addition to experiencing volcanic hazards, in particular experience the fall of ash, this not only because of the proximity to the volcanic building, but also by the direction and speed of the winds that occur at the time the volcanic activity.

The fall of volcanic ash becomes a social problem, since not only can it cause damage to people's health, but also the effects that they could have on their agricultural activities as well as the damage to animals generate an economic problem. for families.

In this context, studying the perception of risk in the face of volcanic ash fall is essential, since we must not forget that human beings react to the risks they perceive, and the type of response they give depends on the level of knowledge they have regarding the situation that arises. is being presented to them, as in this case is the fall of volcanic ash. In this sense, the way in which the experts will manage the risk will depend on how the population acts.

This article, in addition to the contributions it has in understanding the perception of risk that the population of Tonila, Jalisco, Mexico has in the face of volcanic ash fall, reflects on the methodological usefulness of natural semantic networks on this area.


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Author Biography

Aideé C. Arellano Ceballos , Universidad de Colima

Doctor in Social Sciences from the University of Colima. Full-time professor-researcher at the Faculty of Arts and Communication of the University of Colima. Leader, leader of the Academic Body 67, Society, Culture and Significance. He is part of the National System of Researchers, Level I. His research areas are sociocultural studies of youth, cultural consumption, cultural meanings, imaginary and social representations, risk perception and communication, and social studies of journalism


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How to Cite

Cuevas Muñiz, A., & Arellano Ceballos , A. C. . (2022). Natural Semantic Networks in the study of risk perception in the face of volcanic ash fall in Tonila, Jalisco, Mexico. Revista Geográfica De Chile Terra Australis, 58.




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